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Global Characterisation of Post-translational Modifications

Biological systems are astonishingly adaptable and subject to constant change. Cells and tissue react very quickly to external influences; these dynamic changes are one of the project's research topics .

Biological systems first need to be fundamentally investigated in order to understand the interaction between these dynamic changes and various illnesses (such as cancer, blood clotting or cardiovascular complaints) and to find potential approaches for new therapies. To this end, the group requires reliable, reproducible methods that can identify as many components as possible in such systems.

It is nowadays assumed that there are around 10,000 different proteins in a cell which communicate and interact with each other. Depending on the cell type, the concentrations of these proteins can cover up to 6 orders of magnitude: A cell can contain millions of copies of frequently occurring proteins, such as structural proteins, whilst there may only be 10 to 100 copies of rare proteins. The group therefore not only investigates which proteins occur (qualitative analysis), but also the amounts in which they occur (quantitative analysis).

For this purpose, the group uses and refines different LC-MS techniques, such as label-free quantification. One of the goals is to perform reliable analyses – even with minute quantities of samples - and to standardise procedures to the extent that the methods can be transferred to clinical use. The development of quality standards is important here: Each step of the analysis - from sample preparation through to data evaluation – must work reliably and in a reproducible manner.


Select publications

bio-protocol, Vol. 13, No. 22, 2023, P. e4880

Kale D, Sachsenheimer T, Sickmann A, Brügger B.

A New, Rapid Method for the Quantification of Dolichyl Phosphates in Cell Cultures Using TMSD Methylation Combined with LC-MS Analysis

Platelets, Vol. 33, No. 8, 2022, P. 1293-1300

Cheung HYF, Moran LA, Sickmann A, Heemskerk JWM, Garcia A, Watson SP.

Inhibition of Src but not Syk causes weak reversal of GPVI-mediated platelet aggregation measured by light transmission aggregometry

Archives of Toxicology, Vol. 96, No. 8, 2022, P. 2341-2360

Merches K, Breunig L, Fender J, Brand T, Bätz V, Idel S, Kollipara L, Reinders Y, Sickmann A, Mally A, Lorenz K.

The potential of remdesivir to affect function, metabolism and proliferation of cardiac and kidney cells in vitro

International Journal of Molecular Sciences , Vol. 23, No. 15, 2022

Huang J, Jooss NJ, Fernandez D, Sickmann A, Garcia A, Wichapong K, Dijkgraaf I, Heemskerk JWM.

Roles of Focal Adhesion Kinase PTK2 and Integrin αIIbβ3 Signaling in Collagen- and GPVI-Dependent Thrombus Formation under Shear

Journal of Proteome Research, Vol. 21, No. 4, 2022, P. 1181-1188

Loroch S, Kopczynski D, Schneider AC, Schumbrutzki C, Feldmann I, Panagiotidis E, Reinders Y, Sakson R, Solari FA, Vening A, Swieringa F, Heemskerk…

Toward Zero Variance in Proteomics Sample Preparation

International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2022

Rosa A, Butt E, Hopper CP, Loroch S, Bender M, Schulze H, Sickmann A, Vorlova S, Seizer P, Heinzmann D, Zernecke A.

Cyclophilin A Is Not Acetylated at Lysine-82 and Lysine-125 in Resting and Stimulated Platelets

International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2022

Schanbacher C, Bieber M, Reinders Y, Cherpokova D, Mathejka C, Nieswandt B, Sickmann A, Kleinschnitz C, Langhauser F, Lorenz K.

ERK1/2 Activity Is Critical for the Outcome of Ischemic Stroke

Further projects

Non-Radioactive Ionisation for Spectrometry & Spectroscopy (NORISC)

The objective of the »NORISC« project is to validate the Flexible microTube Plasma as an ionisation source.

Analysis of differential gene and protein expression for in-vitro detection of drug allergy

A research project at the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) - including ISAS - is dedicated to the improved detection of drug allergies.

Multiomics: A systems biology approach for cardiovascular research

Current high-throughput methods for analysing proteins, nucleic acids, and metabolites are often limited to one molecule class only. This project aims to combine several omics techniques in a multimoics platform to investigate cardiovascular diseases.

Post-translation Modifications of the Synaptic Scaffold Controlling Age-Induced Memory Impairment (SyMetAge)

»SyMetAge« aims to establish causal relations between lifetime-associated PTMs and memory impairment as well as deliver a conceptual frame for a mechanistic understanding of the phenomenon.

Thromboinflammation in cardiovascular diseases

The European joint project »Thromboinflammation in cardiovascular diseases« (TICARDIO) combines the investigations into these two pathological processes for the first time under the heading “Thromboinflammation”.

Optimising Anaemia Treatment for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (NephrESA)

In order to treat anaemia more effectively, researchers in the »NephrESA« project are developing a computer model which can be used to determine the risks and prognoses of the medication for each individual affected.