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Portrait von Dr. Yvonne Reinders.

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Antibodies, Bd. 14, Nr. 1, 2025

Döring S, Weller MG, Reinders Y, Konthur Z, Jaeger C.

Challenges and Insights in Absolute Quantification of Recombinant Therapeutic Antibodies by Mass Spectrometry: An Introductory Review

Pharmacological Research, Bd. 211, 2024, S. 107558

Brand T, Baumgarten BT, Denzinger S, Reinders Y, Kleindl M, Schanbacher C, Funk F, Gedik N, Jabbasseh M, Kleinbongard P, Dudek J, Szendroedi J,…

From Ca2+ dysregulation to heart failure: β-adrenoceptor activation by RKIP postpones molecular damages and subsequent cardiac dysfunction in mice carrying mutant PLNR9C by correction of aberrant Ca2+-handling


Biomedicines, Bd. 12, Nr. 10, 2024

Lang A, Oehler D, Benkhoff M, Reinders Y, Maike B, Shahrjedi K, Kaldirim M, Sickmann A, Dannenberg L, Polzin A, Pfeiler S, Kelm M, Grandoch M, Jung…

Mitochondrial Creatine Kinase 2 (Ckmt2) as a Plasma-Based Biomarker for Evaluating Reperfusion Injury in Acute Myocardial Infarction


GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift, Bd. 2024, Nr. 03, 2024, S. 20-23

Reinders Y, Hentschel A, Sickmann A.

Massenspektrometrie im Therapeutischen Drug Monitoring

Clinical Proteomics, Bd. 21, Nr. 1, 2024, S. 12

Hentschel A, Piontek G, Dahlmann R, Findeisen P, Sakson R, Carbow P, Renné T, Reinders Y, Sickmann A.

Highly sensitive therapeutic drug monitoring of infliximab in serum by targeted mass spectrometry in comparison to ELISA data


Molecular Oncology, Bd. 18, Nr. 2, 2023, S. 431-452

Schulz D, Feulner L, Santos Rubenich D, Heimer S, Rohrmüller S, Reinders Y, Falchetti M, Wetzel M, Braganhol E, Lummertz da Rocha E, Schäfer N,…

Subcellular localization of PD-L1 and cell-cycle-dependent expression of nuclear PD-L1 variants: implications for head and neck cancer cell functions and therapeutic efficacy
