Medical diagnostic test for thrombocyte function
Measurement on individual cell basis
High throughput method
The invention utilizes the different membrane compositions of the thrombocytes in an activated and non-activated condition to study the trajectories of blood platelets in free-flow electrophoresis. After coming into contact with an activator/inhibitor, the thrombocytes are deflected in the electrical field in keeping with the membrane's surface charge. The form of the trajectories of the individual thrombocytes then permits conclusions about the degree in which they can be activated/inhibited. In comparison to standard methods (thrombocyte aggregometry and aPTT test), this process is based on the measurement of individual cells, less costly, and transportable thanks to its size.
Clinical diagnostics
Intellectual property rights
Validation from EP patent: EP2990787 (Germany, France, Spain, Austria, Italy, United Kingdom) (P/85)
CN-Patent: CN105388202 (P/85)
U.S.-Patent: US9778248 (P/85)
Japan-Patent: JP2016048236 (P/85)
Becker, M., Marggraf, U. and Janasek, D. Separation of Proteins using a novel two-depth miniaturized Free-Flow Electrophoresis device with multiple outlet fractionation channels. J. Chromatogr., A 1216(47): 8265–8269, 2009.
Selected property rights
Verfahren zur Messung der Thrombozytenfunktion »Blutplättchenmesssytem«
EP-Patent: EP2990787
(validiert in Frankreich, Spanien, Österreich, Großbritanien, Italien und Deutschland)
US-Patent: US9778248
JP-Patent: JP2016048236
CN-Patent: CN105388202